
How to enable curl

How to enable curl on wamp ? or How to install curl on wamp ?

Very simple, Just go to wamp tray icon and left click and then php and finally click php.ini .
now php.ini file gets open in that document simply search for a word curl  left to that word there is semicolon " ; "  you need to remove this semicolon .after removal save the file (Ctrl+s).

following restart the server or WAMP.

Web scrapping in php using curl

What is web scrapping ? How to do it in php ? Why do we need it ? which method is suitable for web scrapping ?

Does all these quires are in the mind ? I’m here to explain it, web scrapping is technique to grab the web page elements on basis of DOM or Xpath. Web scrapping technique is used by many search engines such as google for indexing purpose.

We need it in some circumstance like to index the page or website contents and in other cases to grab the products or contents from